China, a demographic giant with feet of clay
China, the world’s largest country in terms of population, is now a predominant player on the international economic and geopolitical stage.
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China, the world’s largest country in terms of population, is now a predominant player on the international economic and geopolitical stage.
Read moreThr distribution of family types varies across age groups
Read moreAn interview with CNRS historian and demographer Sandra Brée, INED research fellow Marie Bergström, and sociologist researcher Christophe Giraud on the notion of the couple in society and the phenomenon of "living apart together".
Read moreby Cécile Lefèvre (Paris-Descarte-INED) and Stephane Legleye (INED) September 22, 2015, INED 70th birthday Duration : 26’ 30"
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