Focus on

INED’s “Focus” pages provide essential, up-to-date information on specific scientific topics. These summaries “focus” on the latest research results, recent publications, surveys in progress and new Institute resources.

Sexual violence in the lives of gay and bisexual men: diverse ways of life and specific vulnerabilities

Research has been increasingly attentive in recent years to sexual violence in the lives of gay and bisexual men. However, those studies have focused mainly on sexual abuse in childhood, overlooking violence in adulthood in these male sexual minority groups, as well as their diverse ways of life, the varied types of violence undergone, and the situations and contexts in which it is experienced.

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Demography of the Greater Caribbean

The Greater Caribbean [Grande Caraïbe in French], comprises forty distinct geopolitical territories, including an archipelago of islands in the Caribbean Sea—two of which are French overseas territories (Martinique and Guadeloupe)—and a group of continental Central and South American countries that includes the French overseas territory of French Guiana. In 2020, the population of the Greater Caribbean was estimated at 301 million, with an average annual growth rate of 1.2% during the preceding 20 years. Over 80% of those inhabitants lived in Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela and Guatemala.

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Les évolutions démographiques de l’Afrique subsaharienne entre 2000 et 2020 et les défis d’ici 2050

Consacrée à l’Afrique au Sud du Sahara (47 pays, 1,1 milliard d’habitants en 2020), la chronique parue en 2020 dans la revue Population 2020 2-3 propose à la fois une synthèse approfondie des grands changements sociodémographiques et sanitaires survenus dans la région entre 2000 et 2020 et un bilan statistique rassemblant les données récentes les plus fiables sur chaque pays.

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Demography of the Greater Caribbean

The Greater Caribbean [Grande Caraïbe in French], comprises forty distinct geopolitical territories, including an archipelago of islands in the Caribbean Sea—two of which are French overseas territories (Martinique and Guadeloupe)—and a group of continental Central and South American countries that includes the French overseas territory of French Guiana. In 2020, the population of the Greater Caribbean was estimated at 301 million, with an average annual growth rate of 1.2% during the preceding 20 years. Over 80% of those inhabitants lived in Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela and Guatemala.

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Les évolutions démographiques de l’Afrique subsaharienne entre 2000 et 2020 et les défis d’ici 2050

Consacrée à l’Afrique au Sud du Sahara (47 pays, 1,1 milliard d’habitants en 2020), la chronique parue en 2020 dans la revue Population 2020 2-3 propose à la fois une synthèse approfondie des grands changements sociodémographiques et sanitaires survenus dans la région entre 2000 et 2020 et un bilan statistique rassemblant les données récentes les plus fiables sur chaque pays.

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The art of being a neighbor in France defined by social position and place of residence

Thirty-five years after the last major national survey on relations between neighbors in France (INED/INSEE “Contacts” survey, 1983), a new survey, entitled “Mon quartier, mes voisins” [My neighborhood, my neighbors], has studied those relations at different scales and documented individuals’ social integration at local (the immediate neighborhood) and extra-local (outside the neighborhood) levels.

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The art of being a neighbor in France defined by social position and place of residence

Thirty-five years after the last major national survey on relations between neighbors in France (INED/INSEE “Contacts” survey, 1983), a new survey, entitled “Mon quartier, mes voisins” [My neighborhood, my neighbors], has studied those relations at different scales and documented individuals’ social integration at local (the immediate neighborhood) and extra-local (outside the neighborhood) levels.

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Évolutions des infrastructures de transport franciliennes et mobilités résidentielles des classes sociales au XXe siècle

Quels impacts le développement du maillage de transport a-t-il eus sur les trajectoires géographiques des générations nées entre 1911 et 1950 et sur la redistribution spatiale des différents groupes sociaux ? Dans quelle mesure, les différentes générations et classes sociales ont-elles contribué aux divisions sociales de l’espace francilien que l’on observe au début des années 2000 ?

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Sexual violence in the lives of gay and bisexual men: diverse ways of life and specific vulnerabilities

Research has been increasingly attentive in recent years to sexual violence in the lives of gay and bisexual men. However, those studies have focused mainly on sexual abuse in childhood, overlooking violence in adulthood in these male sexual minority groups, as well as their diverse ways of life, the varied types of violence undergone, and the situations and contexts in which it is experienced.

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VIRAGE survey

In 2009, the taskforce for assessing French national policy for preventing and combating violence against women (Mission d’Evaluation de la Politique de Prévention et de Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Femmes), a body working under the aegis of/a commission of France’s National Assembly, recommended conducting a new survey on violence against women that would modelled be on the national survey on the same issue done in 2000 by the demographic institute of the Université Paris I (ENVEFF)

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Demography of the Greater Caribbean

The Greater Caribbean [Grande Caraïbe in French], comprises forty distinct geopolitical territories, including an archipelago of islands in the Caribbean Sea—two of which are French overseas territories (Martinique and Guadeloupe)—and a group of continental Central and South American countries that includes the French overseas territory of French Guiana. In 2020, the population of the Greater Caribbean was estimated at 301 million, with an average annual growth rate of 1.2% during the preceding 20 years. Over 80% of those inhabitants lived in Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela and Guatemala.

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Regional variations in home and nursing home care for dependent older persons in France under decentralized policymaking

Models of care for older persons who have lost or are in the process of losing their autonomy vary widely from one region to another. At the European Union scale, southern countries show stronger family solidarity than northern ones (Peyrache and Ogg 2017); within France, institutional care solutions are more frequently used in Brittany and the Pays-de-la Loire than elsewhere (Trabut and Gaymu 2016).

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The art of being a neighbor in France defined by social position and place of residence

Thirty-five years after the last major national survey on relations between neighbors in France (INED/INSEE “Contacts” survey, 1983), a new survey, entitled “Mon quartier, mes voisins” [My neighborhood, my neighbors], has studied those relations at different scales and documented individuals’ social integration at local (the immediate neighborhood) and extra-local (outside the neighborhood) levels.

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Les évolutions démographiques de l’Afrique subsaharienne entre 2000 et 2020 et les défis d’ici 2050

Consacrée à l’Afrique au Sud du Sahara (47 pays, 1,1 milliard d’habitants en 2020), la chronique parue en 2020 dans la revue Population 2020 2-3 propose à la fois une synthèse approfondie des grands changements sociodémographiques et sanitaires survenus dans la région entre 2000 et 2020 et un bilan statistique rassemblant les données récentes les plus fiables sur chaque pays.

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2024: the United Nations publishes new world population projections

Alors que certains pays continuent de croître rapidement, d’autres voient leur population diminuer. Dans le même temps, la population mondiale vieillit, l’espérance de vie mondiale continuant à augmenter et la fécondité à baisser. Tels sont les enseignements des dernières estimations et projections de la population mondiale qui viennent d’être publiées par la Division de la population des Nations Unies.

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