What roles do community and family networks play in the integration of Chinese immigrants in France?

Two out of three Chinese immigrants counted in the French census live in the Ile-de-France region (which encompasses Paris). The category known as economic migrants because that they came to France for jobs, work mostly in the restaurant, bar-tobacco shop, and wholesale goods sectors; they have little or no formal educational attainment and are not proficient in French. Their social networks are composed for the most part (84%) of people of Chinese origin, and their labor market integration depends to a large extent on assistance networks of family members and/or Chinese friends. 

The Wenzhou (from eastern China, not far from Shanghai) have been in France longer than other Chinese economic migrants and constitute a particularly tight-knit group. The Wenzhou are firmly anchored in their Chinese family and community, who in turn help Wenzhou newcomers look for jobs and start businesses, lend them money, and assist them with administrative formalities. This situation works to the advantage of the group’s economic activities.

Source :

Isabelle Attané, Giovanna Merli, Integration and insularity: The diversity of Chinese immigrants in France, 2024, Population and Societies, no. 622

Online : September 2024