Births by parents’ place of birth

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Births by parents’ place of birth
  Parents’ place of birth Per 100 births
Year TOTAL Both parents born in France Father born abroad, mother born in France Father born in France, mother born abroad Both parents born abroad All mothers born in France All mothers born abroad Both parents born in France One parent born in France, the other abroad Both parents born abroad
2013 781 621 560 903 63 245 52 521 104 952 624 148 157 473 71,8 14,8 13,4
2014 781 167 554 419 63 320 54 227 109 201 617 739 163 428 71,0 15,0 14,0
2015 760 421 535 302 61 521 52 846 110 752 596 823 163 598 70,4 15,0 14,6
2016 744 697 518 515 60 557 52 760 112 865 579 072 165 625 69,6 15,2 15,2
2017 730 242 504 177 59 608 51 797 114 660 563 785 166 457 69,0 15,3 15,7
2018 719 737 493 912 58 589 50 808 116 428 552 501 167 236 68,6 15,2 16,2
2019 714 029 485 452 57 845 50 791 119 941 543 297 170 732 68,0 15,2 16,8
2020 696 664 476 418 56 240 48 300 115 706 532 658 164 006 68,4 15,0 16,6
2021 701 819 486 090 56 476 48 204 111 049 542 566 159 253 69,3 14,9 15,8
2022 686 564 468 581 55 398 45 421 117 164 523 979 162 585 68,2 14,7 17,1
2023 639 533 427 931 51 676 42 505 117 421 479 607 159 926 66,9 14,7 18,4

Metropolitan France
The 2010 and 2011 series show slight breaks due to modifications in data processing methods in those years.
French-born parents include parents born in French territories overseas (COMs).
Source : Insee, Statistiques d’état civil sur les naissances

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Update: March 2025