The world population
Life expectancy : Poland 78.8 Years
Average number of children per woman : France 1.78


Group migration in response to climate change

Environmental changes due to climate change lead population groups to move—often to nearby areas and only temporarily, as they wish to return home as soon as possible. People’s ability to migrate depends on economic conditions and the infrastructure and facilities available.

More information


Parental separation and the forming of stepfamilies

July 1-2, 2024, at Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers (Paris): An international conference organized by INED (France) and the Partenariat de Recherche Séparation Parentale, Recomposition Familiale of Quebec will bring together professional researchers and doctoral students from 9 countries.[FR]

Information and registration


The population in graphs

An interactive system for comparing countries, mapping curves and viewing change in the population pyramid
