Valérie Golaz

Research director 33 (0) 6 43 08 47 86 +33(0) 1 56 06 21 99
Secretariat : Nicoleta-Adriana Banta 33(0) 1 56 06 21 57

Research field(s)

My current focus is on family dynamics and the population-environment nexus. I approach it through localised case studies in East Africa and Madagascar and national as well as international data. Connecting classical demographic sources to remote sensing data, I look at population growth, migration and environmental change. My work deals with family dynamics, in particular in relation to resource accessibility and environmental change.
Globally, the link between quantitative indicators, their political use and the possible gap between these measures and what actually goes on interests me.

See the Population, Climate and Environment website

I am currently hosted at the Laboratoire Population Environnement et Développement in Marseille (LPED, UMR 151 AMU-IRD,

Current Grants
-2023-2027: SNF, FamilEA The remaking of the family in East Africa

A word by

Valérie Golaz studies interactions between population and environment

Read the interview

Some publications

GOLAZ V., MEDARD C., 2024, "Titres fonciers et superposition de droits. Comment mesurer l’étendue des transformations vers la pleine propriété en Ouganda ?", In: Digressions, Les Impromptus du LPED n°8, p.128-148.

ROUSSE B., LOBRY S., DUTHE G, GOLAZ V., WENDLING L, 2024, "Domain Adaptation for Mapping LCZs in Sub-Saharan Africa with Remote Sensing: A Comprehensive Approach to Health Data Analysis", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3421284.

WANDERA S.O., GOLAZ V., KWGALA B., NTOZI J. et AYUKU D.O., 2024, "“These are just finishing our medicines”: Older Persons’ Perceptions and Experiences of Access to Healthcare in public health facilities in Uganda", BMC Health Services Research, 24(1):396. doi: 10.1186/s12913-024-10741-6

SIKARWAR A., GOLAZ V., 2024, "Substantial increase in population exposure to multiple environmental burden in sub-Saharan Africa (2000-2019)", Environmental Research Letters, 19. doi: : 10.1088/1748-9326/ad376b

ROSSIER C., GOLAZ V., GEZ Y et DROZ Y., 2023, « An interdisciplinary approach of the family in East Africa: insights from past and current research», Recherches familiales, n°20 / 1, 1a-13a.

SIKARWAR A., RANI R., DUTHE V. et GOLAZ V., 2022, « Association of greenness with COVID-19 deaths: an ecological study of Indian districts », Environmental Research, 217 (January 2023), p. 114906 (1-10), doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.114906

DOS SANTOS S., GASTINEAU B., GOLAZ V., 2022, "Population and Water Issues: Going Beyond Scarcity", in Lori M. Hunter, Clark Gray, Jacques Véron (eds), International Handbook of Population and Environment, Springer, p.263-282.

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

I co-head the research unit Demosud and I am in charge of Knowledge sharing with the global South at Ined.

PhD Supervision:
2024- : Jude Otim, Makerere University (co-supervision with Prof. Betty Kwagala and Dr Stephen O. Wandera)
2023- : Pierre Schlegel, Aix-Marseille University
2023- : Julie Maestri, Aix-Marseille University (co-supervision with Henri Médard, AMU)
2022- : Narovana Andriamanantena, Aix-Marseille University (cosupervision with Anne-Elisabeth Laques, IRD)
2022- : Emile Duflot, Aix-Marseille University (cosupervision with Vincent Laperrière, Aix-Marseille University)
2021- : Léo Lipovac, Aix-Marseille University (cosupervision with Nicolas Pech, Aix-Marseille University)
2019-: Lily Njuguna, Aix-Marseille University (cosupervision with Claire Médard, IRD)
2019-: Faith Atuhumuze, Aix-Marseille University (cosupervision with Claire Médard, IRD)
2019-:Tina Razafinimanana, Université Catholique de Madagascar (cosupervision with Frédérique Andriamaro, UCM)

PhDs completed:
2021-2024: Basile Rousse, University of Paris (cosupervision with Laurent Wendling, LIPADE)
2019-2023: Uacitissa Mandamule, Aix-Marseille University (cosupervision with Stéphanie Duvail, IRD)
2019-2023: Norah Kiereri, Aix-Marseille University (cosupervision with Yvan Droz, IHEID)

From September 2024 I am in charge with Nicolas Pech (AMU, Recover) of the M2 Mathematics applied to Social Sciences, Population analyses, of the Masters Applied Mathematics, Statistics at Aix-Marseille University.

I lecture since 2013 in this Masters programme, and I am in charge of the unit "Démographie II ", at M1 level (30h), and regularly supervise students along the year.

=>To the website of the Master masspop

Other charges:
I am a member of the presidence of the Conseil Scientifique Afrique / UMIFRE (2022-2025).