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Recent Demographic Developments in France: A Decline in Fertility, an Increase in Mortality
Magali Mazuy, Magali Barbieri, Didier Breton,Hippolyte d’Albis

Covering the Costs of Divorce: The Role of the Family, the State and the Market

Cécile Bourreau-Dubois et Myriam Doriat-Duban

Data Sources on the Older Population in Europe: Comparison of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS ) and the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE )

Katherine Keenan, Else Foverskov, Emily Grundy

Seventieth Anniversary of Population
Isabelle Séguy et Christine Théré present and analyse an article by Jean Meuvret published in 1946

Book review

Gender: History, Inequalities (1)