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In France, Where do People Live in Their Last Month of Life and Where do They Die? - Sophie Pennec, Joëlle Gaymu, Alain Monnier, Françoise Riou, Régis Aubry, Silvia Pontone, Chantal Cases

  • Satisfaction with the Division of Household Tasks in Switzerland - Caroline Henchoz, Boris Wernli

Relationships between Adolescents and Grandparents in Switzerland - Alexandre Pillonel, Cornelia Hummel, Ivan De Carlo

  • Recent Features of Cohabitational and Marital Fertility in Romania - Jan M. Hoem, Cornelia Mureşan, Mihaela Hărăguş


  • Age Compositional Adjustments for Educational Participation Indicators - Bilal F. Barakat, Rachel E. Durham, Clarissa Guimarães Rodrigues